March is not just the beginning of spring; it also marks Brain Injury Awareness Month, a time to focus on the impact of brain injuries, their prevention, and the challenges faced by those who suffer from them. This year’s theme, “More Than My Brain Injury,” emphasizes empowering individuals with brain injuries to redefine their lives …
5 Most Common Injuries From Motorcycle Accidents
Injuries from motorcycle accidents can range from minor to life-changing to life-ending. Some people, aside from a few scrapes and bruises, walk away relatively unscathed. Others end up having medical problems for the rest of their lives, while others lose their lives entirely. Motorcycles are fun, but they can result in catastrophic circumstances when things …
How To Drive Safely Around Motorcycles & Bicycles
As a motor vehicle driver in California, it is your responsibility to protect the lives of those around you, especially the road’s most vulnerable users. These are motorcyclists, bicyclists and pedestrians. It is your duty to obey traffic laws and drive safely to avoid causing collisions that could be deadly. This Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month …
7 Safety Tips for Motorcycle Riders
May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month. Every month should have a focus on motorcycle safety, however, as motorcyclists are much more likely to suffer serious and fatal injuries and accidents than other motorists. If you are an avid motorcycle rider in Los Angeles, it is critical to be proactive about your safety. Following basic safety …