From a legal perspective, most motorcycle accidents are very complex and truly require the best motorcycle accident attorney Los Angeles has to offer to ensure one gets the correct medical treatment, that all medical bills get paid, and to guarantee that the motorcycle is fixed or replaced with the injured person getting the maximum compensation for pain and suffering. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) 80% of motorcycle accidents result in catastrophic injury or death, while only 20% of car accidents share these devastating outcomes. When people in Los Angeles and all of California search for “top motorcycle accident lawyers near me”, they often end their search with The Ryan Law Group, as we have the best motorcycle accident attorney with more than a decade of experience in looking after the wellbeing of our valued clients.
How are Motorcycle Accidents Different from Traditional Car Accidents?
Motorcycle accidents are characteristically different from other motor vehicle collisions because of the inherent dangers of motorcycles compared to other vehicles such as cars and trucks. Motorcycles don’t have an added protective layer of metal or back support to brace an impact or to absorb the energy that’s created in a collision. Additionally, motorcycles do not have restraints or seat belt systems. As a result, any motorcycle accident involving a collision with a car or truck often results in the motorcyclist taking the brunt of the impact, while also being thrown from their vehicle where additional injuries take place.
In most cases, accidents involving motorcycles and other vehicles in California are not the motorcyclist’s fault. The California Highway Patrol (CHP) and insurance agencies have scores of data testifying to the fact that there is a shared lack of awareness when it comes to identifying motorcycles on the freeways and highways of Los Angeles County and other regions of California. Truck drivers will change lanes without checking their blind spot, and standard auto drivers grow increasingly more distracted, and as motorcycles are not as visible as cars, they run a higher chance of being involved in a crash to no fault of the rider. Automobile lane-changing is one of the highest factors contributing to motorcycle crashes, and when these incidents take place, the rider’s condition is often very grim. They require immediate medical attention, the right kind of treatment, a motorcycle accident lawyer that can stand up to predatory insurance companies, and someone that will be able to accurately evaluate the value of their claim by not only looking at immediate damages, but also future losses.
For a free legal consultation with a motorcycle accident Lawyer serving Los Angeles, call 310-321-4800
What are the Most Common Injuries from Motorcycle Accidents?
Unfortunately, death is a common outcome from a motorcycle accident due to the small size of the vehicle, lack of protection and materials designed to absorb energy in an impact, and the speeds that are involved. If you have lost a loved one in such an accident, you need the best motorcycle accident lawyer who is also an experienced wrongful death attorney, and this combination is what makes The Ryan Law Group the best motorcycle accident lawyers in Los Angeles and all of California. We have access to expert witnesses, the best doctors, and a track record for getting our clients the highest possible compensation while fighting off insurance companies. We also take a compassionate approach in which we work closely with families through these challenging times where grief and confusion can cause things to seem like life is spinning out of control.
If the motorcycle rider survives the crash, then there are a number of other injuries that are commonly associated with motorcycle accidents. These include:
- Lacerations
- Cuts and scrapes
- Road Rash
- Fractures and broken bones
- Back injuries
- Neck injuries
- Spinal cord injuries
- Traumatic brain injuries
- Catastrophic injuries such as amputations, impalement, the loss of sight and hearing
- Burns
- Quadriplegia
- Paraplegia
In some cases, a motorcyclist can be thrown from a crash and land on nearby objects such as roadside construction equipment, fencing materials, or other items that can contribute to the severity of an injury. In other cases road debris, broken glass, and fragments from the damaged motorcycle or the car that hit the bike can become airborne and spray one’s face causing them to lose their vision or become dramatically disfigured. In other cases, motorcycles can catch fire and cause burn injuries to the victim. Then there are those who become quadrapalegic or paraplegic as a result of the accident. Most injuries from motorcycles are extremely painful. For example, road rash can require someone to go through painful skin grafting procedures and cause severe PTSD. In other cases, injuries can be so severe that they are life-changing, meaning the person will be unable to continue working in their chosen career field, and they may be unable to care for themselves.
It is critical to have a motorcycle accident attorney that ensures your injuries are properly diagnosed, and that you get the right treatment by the best doctors to help improve your quality of life ahead. Furthermore, the motorcycle accident lawyer must be able to accurately place a value on your case, and fight the insurance companies or city (based on the nature of the case) to ensure you get full compensation for the lifetime value of your case.
Los Angeles Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Near Me 310-321-4800
Who Is Responsible for Motorcycle Accidents?
The answer to this question depends on the insurance laws in your state and the circumstances of the accident. California is a fault-based state, meaning the driver or party at fault for a traffic accident must pay for damages through their insurance provider. After a motorcycle accident, you or your Los Angeles motorcycle accident attorney must determine fault before you can file an insurance claim.
Fault, or liability, could go to many different parties based on who, or what, caused your motorcycle accident. Liable parties may include:
- The other driver for a careless or reckless act
- The driver’s employer, if he or she was on duty at the time of the crash
- The manufacturer or distributor of your motorcycle for a defective part
- The government, state, or city for unsafe or hazardous road conditions
- A combination of multiple defendants
Holding someone financially responsible for your motorcycle accident requires clear and convincing evidence of that person’s fault by your Los Angeles motorcycle accident attorney. This means your lawyer must present enough evidence to establish that the defendant caused the motorcycle accident. Evidence that may be available to support your injury claim includes a police report, eyewitness statements, photographs and videos, your medical records, and testimonies from experts.
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Who Is Liable for Motorcycle Accidents While Lane Splitting?
Motorcyclists are legally allowed to lane split in the state of California. However, they must do so prudently and safely. If an accident occurs while a motorcyclist is lane splitting, it is necessary to determine whether the rider was performing the maneuver in a reasonably safe manner.
Although there are no strict guidelines on what this means, in general, a motorcyclist must maintain a reasonably safe speed compared to the speeds of the other vehicles, and must not weave in and out of traffic. If the motorcyclist was engaged in reckless riding behaviors, he or she may be partially liable for the accident. If, however, a motorist’s mistake caused the crash, such as a car driver changing lanes without looking, the driver would be liable for the crash. A motorcyclist who decides to lane split is not automatically liable for a crash in California, as this maneuver is not against the law. Instead, determining liability requires an investigation overseen by an experienced motorcycle accident attorney.
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How do California Helmet Laws Impact Motorcycle Accident Claims?
Failing to wear a helmet could impact your injury claim after a motorcycle accident in California. If the part of your body that was injured may have reasonably been protected by a helmet, “such as your face, head or brain,” the defendant may argue that your failure to wear a helmet contributed to the extent of your injuries, and that you should therefore receive partial fault.
California law requires all riders and passengers on motorcycles and motorized bicycles to wear safety helmets. This could place some liability on your shoulders if you failed to comply with California state helmet laws. If the helmet defense is successfully used against you, the courts may reduce your financial recovery by the allocated percentage of fault. If you weren’t wearing a helmet at the time of your motorcycle accident, a Los Angeles motorcycle accident attorney can help you combat this defense to help maximize your recovery.
What Damages Can I Recover in Motorcycle Accidents?
Commonly, injured victims of motorcycle accidents can typically recover medical bills, pain and suffering, and loss of earnings. Medical expenses or funeral costs for someone involved in a motorcycle accident can be very high and potentially unpayable by the injured party.
Pain and suffering can include PTSD, fear of riding a motorcycle again, or other such psychological ailments that can require future medical or therapeutic remedies down the road. Loss of earnings can include earnings during the time in which the injured person recovers from the accident, as well as future earnings they won’t be able to acquire because of a permanent injury. Furthermore, in the event of a wrongful death, the earnings the family would have expected to benefit from during the person’s life would also be taken into account for placing value on the claim.
The compensation you may be entitled to in a motorcycle accident case depends largely on the underlying facts and circumstances surrounding the collision itself. The nature and extent of your injuries also represent a prime factor in determining compensation. Working with the best Los Angeles motorcycle accident attorney will have a massive impact on your ability to get the highest possible compensation for your losses, pain, and suffering.
What’s the Statute of Limitations on Motorcycle Accident Claims in California?
While all states have a statute of limitations on personal injury claims, in California, motorcycle accident lawsuits must be filed within two years of the accident’s date. However, in certain cases the discovery rule may apply: if you discover an injury as a result of the accident at a later date, you have one year from the date of discovery.
The statute of limitations is a law that requires a personal injury lawsuit to be filed within a specific period of time following an accident, and this includes motorcycle accidents.
According to California law, motorcycle accident claims follow the same general statute of limitations as all other personal injury claims: Failure to file by these deadlines ensures that you may not receive the compensation that you are initially entitled to.
Looking for Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Near Me? Why The Ryan Law Group offers the Best Los Angeles Motorcycle Accident Attorney in the State of California
At The Ryan Law Group, our Los Angeles motorcycle accident attorneys will fight to ensure that you obtain appropriate compensation not only for existing or current losses, but also for those you can expect to face in the future. For example, there is a high chance that you may face ongoing medical care and treatment for an extended period of time, especially if you’ve suffered more serious injuries as well as psychological trauma. You may endure chronic pain that takes years to fully recover from, and you may not be able to return to work any time soon (or you may never be able to work again). Your injuries may also have a lifelong impact on your ability to parent your children, support family members, or enjoy the high-quality life standards you are used to. For example, if you love scuba diving, playing the piano, or golfing, your injuries from a motorcycle accident may bring an end to these activities and lower the quality of the life you were used to living. All of these things represent the types of ongoing or long-term losses that a motorcycle accident attorney can seek compensation for on your behalf. The Ryan Law Group has a perfect track record in helping their motorcycle accident clients receive full compensation, and the best medical care. We are also known for taking a personal, compassionate approach when working for our clients and their families–traits that, along with having an advanced knowledge of motorcycle accident and personal injury law, makes The Ryan Law Group your best choice for finding the best motorcycle accident attorney in Los Angeles.
Call The Ryan Law Group for a free consultation, learn what your case is worth, and learn why our motorcycle accident attorney is the best in Los Angeles, and how we can help you get the full compensation you are entitled to, while helping you carve out a path towards living the best life possible.
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