According to car insurance data, California leads the country when it comes to the states with the most car accidents and deaths. In 2019 there were 3,316 auto accidents, and from those came 3,606 deaths. Now consider this: according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Association (NHTSA) 66% of all traffic-related fatalities were caused by aggressive drivers. Road rage is a major factor that plays into deaths and catastrophic injuries caused by auto accidents. If you are the victim of road rage resulting in an accident, you need to call the best auto accident lawyer in Los Angeles without delay. But for now, here are five tips to follow in the event you ever get into a tangle with an aggressive driver who is having a clear case of road rage.
1. Get a Description of the Car and Driver: This Will Help Your Auto Accident Lawyer
If another driver begins to demonstrate acts of aggression, such as tailgating, cutting you off and slowing down to trap you in your lane, or the driver is making obscene gestures at you, data suggests there is a good chance the driver could take things a step further and make the encounter a physical one. It is always wise, the instant another motorist begins showing signs of road rage, to capture the information. Whether it means a passenger snaps a photo of the car with their phone, or you activate your mobile device to safely make a voice recording of the details allowing both hands to stay on the wheel, you will need to get the details. Thai way, if an accident results, you will have the right information to give to the police and to your car accident lawyer. Try to get the license plate number, the make and model of the car, its color, and a description of the driver. In some cases a guilty person causing a car accident will argue that he wasn’t the driver and will claim the car was stolen. By getting the driver’s physical description you can strengthen your case, while weakening his.
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2. Create Distance and Secure Your Vehicle
When you have identified that another driver has become consumed with road rage, and you are their target, try to create some distance between you and their car. You may be tempted to speed up and “flip the bird”, or toot your horn and attempt to pass them. However, you don’t know the mental condition of that driver, their criminal history, and you have no idea what their capabilities are. Last year there were multiple shootings and several casualties related to road rage in which a driver pulled out a gun and opened fire. Slow down, allow other cars to get between you and that enraged driver, and put your windows up while locking the doors. By doing this, you come out the winner because you acted upon rational thought, and hopefully the enraged driver will calm down and let it go before hurting someone else.
3. Call 911 if an Enraged Driver is Creating a Dangerous Situation
If the road rage driver is creating a dangerous environment on the freeway or road, call 911 and ask to be put through to Highway Patrol. Be prepared to give the officer the plate number, vehicle description, driver description, and an outline of his actions. The California Highway Patrol (CHP) usually responds to situations like this rather quickly, especially if this is happening on the freeway through a populated area. Regardless of how the driver is behaving once spotted by the CHP, they will pull the driver over and utilize a number of tactics to detect any road rage or aggression. More importantly, the driver will be far far away from your car and hopefully getting pulled over will cause that driver to think twice before getting a hot head.
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4. Drive to a Safe Place if You are Being Followed
In some cases, road rage can lead to intensified moments in which an enraged driver follows their victim, hoping to have the opportunity to get into a physical fight (or worse). If you are being followed by a driver suffering from road rage, call 911 and give them your location along with the angry driver’s description, and get to a safe place. Usually, pulling into a police station or fire department will dissuade an angered motorist from taking action. If there aren’t any of these locations in your area, a hospital parking lot close to the ER where there are likely security cameras and a lot of people coming and going, and where there are likely security guards, will be an ideal place. Otherwise, a well populated area like a strip mall or a space with lots of people would be the second best move.
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5. Be a Bigger Person and Just Say “Sorry”
Even if the incident wasn’t started by any action on your part, try apologizing to the enraged driver. Simply using apologetic body language while mouthing the words, “I’m sorry,” followed by a smile and a friendly wave can calm down a person suffering from road rage. Then let that driver pass you and create some space.
Call an Auto Accident Lawyer at the Ryan Law Group After a Road Rage Accident
If you were injured in a car accident caused by a negligent driver suffering from road rage, we can pair you with the best auto accident lawyer Los Angeles and all of California has to offer. Our personal injury attorney will make sure you get the right medical treatment without delay, we will get your car fixed, and we will get you the maximum compensation you deserve. Call today and learn what your case is worth.
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