Truck accidents are a common factor of highway deaths and injury, which is why they’re a pressing concern in traffic safety. Being involved in a truck accident can be highly complicated, more so than any typical auto accident. Hence, the aftermath of any truck collision can create significant legal complications, especially when it comes to figuring out who is the legally responsible party for all of the damages incurred. Here’s how truck accident liability works, and how law firms determine it.
What is Truck Accident Liability?
Liability refers to the legal obligation to give monetary compensation for a type of harm caused, usually paid by one or more at-fault parties. Identifying the liable party in a truck accident can get complicated fast. Liability in a truck accident usually lies with the party that exhibited negligence through unreasonably dangerous behavior, making them legally responsible for said behavior that contributed to the truck accident occurring.
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Why is Truck Accident Liability so Complicated?
Figuring out who is responsible in a truck accident can be more complicated than you expect, and usually doesn’t go well when laymen attempt to do so. Truck accidents, unlike other types of auto accidents, can see more than one party responsible due to them having overlapped interests, whether they be business-related or personal. Trucks are commercial vehicles, a large number of them being owned by trucking companies, making them a potentially liable party during a collision. Furthermore, insurance providers commonly disagree over which party is liable, further complicating any truck accident lawyer’s task of identifying the legally responsible parties.
Who is Usually at Fault?
Some parties have legal liability more often than others in the case of a truck accident. While the at-fault party varies from one truck accident case to the other, these are some of the more common examples:
Truck drivers are often deemed legally responsible for road accidents, which are frequently due to negligent behavior. Whether they’re running a red light or driving while intoxicated, making poor decisions behind the wheel can lead to truck drivers being saddled with the responsibility for a truck accident. However, in comparison to passenger vehicle-to-vehicle accidents, truckers rarely hold full liability for a car crash.
Truck driver employers tend to share liability for a truck accident, as many truck drivers drive for trucking companies, making them responsible for the supervision of their employees. However, determining liability can be even more complex if the truck driver in an accident is acting as an independent contractor instead of an employee.
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Seeking Compensation from the At-fault Party
Once a lawyer has determined liability for a truck accident, there are a variety of steps to take when seeking compensation from the liable party. From gathering evidence to negotiating, truck accident lawyers guide their clients through each process, helping them to pursue their case either through reaching a settlement or taking it to civil court.
If you or a loved one have been involved in a truck accident and need the professional guidance of a Los Angeles truck accident attorney & lawyer, look no further than our team here at The Ryan Law Group.
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