The holiday season, from Thanksgiving in late November through New Year’s and the first week of January, can be some of the most dangerous times to be on the road in California. There are people making longer drives than they are used to, people taking to roads they aren’t very familiar with, and sadly, people driving after consuming alcohol.
While you can’t control what other drivers do on the road you can increase your odds of staying out of a car accident this holiday season by following the safety tips below.
Adjust Your Driving to the Road Conditions
There are certain areas of California that have extreme weather during November and December. The most dangerous road conditions are caused by water, in the form of rain, ice, or snow. Safe driving practices for driving in these conditions are widely known but often ignored in favor of speed. Wind is also a road condition to be mindful of, especially on the many long desert roads in California. Semi-truck trailers are prone to tip over when they are going too fast and are hit by a huge gust of wind so be careful when passing them in windy conditions.
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Obey the Speed Limit
Driving too fast gives you less time to react to an unpredictable obstacle in your path. You also have less control of your car at high speeds when needing to make evasive maneuvers. And accidents at high speeds often result in more serious injuries or death. Your family wants to see you in one piece, take your time in getting there.
Don’t Drive Intoxicated
Drunk driving arrests and accidents skyrocket during the holiday season. Family get-togethers can often be a time when people decide to drink or accidentally drink too much. The statistics have been well known for a long time so there is no excuse to get behind the wheel if you have been drinking. There are many options like ride-sharing apps or staying at the family members’ house who hosted the event.
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Don’t Drive Distracted
With more drunk drivers on the road than potentially any other time of year, it isn’t a great idea to pull out your cell phone while driving. Since their invention, smartphones quickly became one of the most common causes of car crashes. If you really have an important message to send or receive, find a safe place to pull over and take care of it before returning to the road. And even though Bluetooth enabled phones are legal, talking on the phone while driving has shown to be dangerously distracting and should be avoided if possible.
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Obey Traffic Signs and Signal Other Drivers
Another common cause of traffic accidents is people not following traffic signs, which makes their actions become unpredictable to drivers around them. Not using your blinker can seem harmless but is a large reason for accidents. You’re moving your vehicle around without giving other drivers proper notice. A driver who sees you are planning on changing lanes or turning can anticipate this action and give you proper clearance to safely perform your action. Work together out there!
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