A wrongful death attorney is a lawyer representing the family of someone who died due to someone else’s negligence or wrongdoing. These cases are often complex and challenging to understand. So if you’re looking for help with this sort of case, it can be helpful to know what a wrongful death lawyer does and how they might be able to help you.
They Will Explain Any Laws and Statutes
Your attorney will explain any laws and statutes that may apply to your case. They can tell you how the law works, what rules apply to wrongful death cases, and how long they have to file a lawsuit for it to be considered timely.
For example, the statute of limitations is the amount of time someone has after an injury occurs before they can file a claim for compensation or restitution. It’s usually two years from when the incident occurred (or three years if it happened on government property).
A statute of repose prevents people from bringing lawsuits after a certain amount of time has passed since the event took place (usually between 10–25 years). Perhaps someone was hurt by someone else’s negligence 20 years ago but didn’t know it until now because they couldn’t remember what happened at the time. This case would still not be considered timely enough under most circumstances.
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They Will Recommend the Best Way to Prove the Fault
A wrongful death lawyer will explain the law and the evidence needed to prove fault. Depending on your case, they will also recommend the best way to prove fault.
In some cases, there may not be enough evidence to prove that someone else’s negligence or recklessness caused a person’s death. For example, if someone dies in an accident while driving drunk – but they had been drinking for hours before getting behind the wheel – it would be difficult for anyone who wasn’t there when it happened (or who didn’t know about their drinking habits) to say with certainty whether or not alcohol played any role in causing their death.
They Will Meet With Witnesses
A wrongful death lawyer will meet with witnesses and prepare them for testimony. They will help you understand the process, what to expect, and how to handle your case. They can also advise on whether or not a witness should testify in court and how best to prepare them for cross-examination if they do have to appear.
When necessary, a wrongful death lawyer will work with experts such as doctors or engineers who may need additional assistance preparing their reports.
A wrongful death lawyer can also advise on how best to handle hostile witnesses during depositions or trials. This could include keeping them calm during questioning so that they give accurate information without being intimidated by the opposing counsel’s tone or mannerisms.
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They Will Be a Friend and Confidant
A wrongful death lawyer can be a friend and confidant. You may not know what to do or how to handle your grief, and they will help you through the grieving process. A wrongful death lawyer also helps people find a way to move forward after such an unfortunate event. They work hard so that their clients get the compensation they deserve, which is why they are there for them when they need it most.
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Quick Recap
We hope this article has helped you understand what a wrongful death lawyer can do for you. We invite you to contact us today if you want more information. We would be happy to answer any questions or concerns that may arise during this challenging time in your life.
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