Best Los Angeles Dog Bite Lawyer

Dogs are man’s best friend, and for most of us they are members of the family that we love with all of our heart. However, irresponsible dog owners are always to blame for the aggressive behavior that many dogs exhibit, and owners are also responsible for keeping their dogs in a secure location so they can’t hurt members of the public, including guests that enter their property. 

Dogs are man’s best friend, and for most of us, they are members of the family that we love with all of our hearts. However, irresponsible dog owners are always to blame for the aggressive behavior that many dogs exhibit, and owners are also responsible for keeping their dogs in a secure location so they can’t hurt members of the public, including guests that enter their property.

An attack from a dog can leave people with terrible injuries that need costly medical care. In many cases, a dog bite can require a number of medical procedures, and people can be left permanently disfigured or scarred, as well as suffering from various forms of anxiety including PTSD. Dog attacks can forever change the way a person lives their life, including their ability to provide for their family, as well as hurting your life quality, as you may no longer be able to participate in your favorite activities, and you could even develop a phobia of dogs. When you have been the victim of a dog attack, you need to call The Ryan Law Group, the best Los Angeles dog bite lawyer in California that has helped clients recover millions in damages. Whether you were attacked by a small dog and have painful lacerations on your hand, or you were mauled by a large dog whose owner neglected public safety, we can help you get the full compensation you deserve, and fight to ensure you get the best medical care, without having to pay a single cent.

How Can a Los Angeles Dog Bite Lawyer Help Me Get Full Compensation?

The process one goes through when filing a dog bite injury claim is far from simple. Insurance companies are notorious for intentionally mishandling such claims in order to save money on their payout. You need the best Los Angeles dog bite injury lawyer to ensure all the right steps and actions are taken, and this personal injury attorney specializing in dog bites will also ensure you are protected from predatory insurance companies by doing the following:

  • Thoroughly investigate the dog bite incident
  • Answer all of your legal questions in a way that you fully understand your rights
  • Identify who is at fault, with the right evidence to support it
  • Help you prove liability
  • Negotiate with the insurance claim adjuster to ensure you get maximum compensation
  • File the right insurance claims, on your behalf
  • Handle your case in court, if necessary
  • Proved expert witnesses in court
  • Ensure you get the right medical care

The Ryan Law Group has the best dog bite attorney in Los Angeles who will make sure you have everything needed throughout the claims process to get full compensation, and to get the right medical treatment, by the best doctors, in a timely manner. While we do all of the complicated and time-consuming work, you can relax and focus on recovering while our top dog bite attorney handles all aspects of your legal claim. 

What are the Dog Bite Laws in California?

The ability to hold an owner legally and financially liable for a dog bite is predicated on the laws in your state, and the circumstances surrounding the attack. Some states hold the dog owner legally and financially liable to cover personal injury and property damage, regardless of whether or not the owner was negligent or had a reason to suspect the dog could bite someone. Other states have a one-bite rule–a law based on the legal theory of negligence in which the dog’s owner will only be liable if the dog has a history of violence and the owner was negligent in taking action to prevent future incidents of aggression.

California favors the victim–the state has a strict liability dog bite statute in which the dog owner can be found liable even without proof of negligence. In fact, California Civil Code Section 3342 states that a dog owner is liable for any damage that the victim suffers from if they were bitten by a dog while lawfully on private property or even in a public place such as a park, regardless of the dog’s past history or whether the owner knew that the dog had an aggressive behavioral problem. Just note that this law generally does not apply to people injured by a dog that was performing police work. In other words, if a police officer orders you to stop fleeing a scene, and you refuse, and a K9 is released, and you suffer a bite as a result, you have no legal claim.

Who is Liable for a Dog Bite in Los Angeles County?

In the majority of California dog bite cases, the pet’s owner is liable for any injuries, property damage, or even death caused by a dog. In cases where another person was responsible for controlling the dog, such as a family member, dog walker, or daycare person, that person may be held liable instead. In some cases, the legal definition of “owner” in the state of California may include anyone harboring the animal. So if someone was responsible for taking temporary custody of the dog, for whatever reason, they could be held liable for injuries. If the dog’s owner is an adolescent under the age of 18, then the parents of the child would be liable for injuries.

In some cases a landlord in California can be held liable for a dog bite if he knew one of his tenants had a dog that was dangerous or that exhibited aggressive behavior. When you call an experienced dog bite lawyer at The Ryan Law Group, we will be able to determine liability after investigating the specifics of your case, and immediately put all the moving pieces in order to help you get the maximum compensation that you are entitled to.

Los Angeles dog bite lawyer

What is the Statute of Limitations for a Dog Bite in Los Angeles?

When filing a lawsuit for a dog bite, it is critical to adhere to California’s statute of limitations if you expect to get compensated for your injuries. It’s a law that sets a deadline on the time you have to file your lawsuit. In most cases, a dog bite victim has two years to file suit from the date they were bitten. However, if the victim is a minor (under the age of 18), they have until their 20th birthday to file, even if the dog bite happened more than two years ago. There are only a few exceptions where California courts will refuse to hear an injury claim filed after the statute of limitations, and this is why it is of extreme importance that you’ve got a Los Angeles dog bite lawyer representing your case as soon as the attack happened. The dog bite lawyers at The Ryan Law Group will work quickly to get your case in full swing and will make sure everything is legally filed without delay.

 In Dog Attack Lawsuits, What are the Common Causes of Dog Bites?

Dogs are known to bite people for a wide range of reasons. Even a dog that personifies the semblance of the “American family pet” with no past history of violence can turn on someone and bite them. In most cases, dog bites stem from environmental factors such as feeling threatened. Some of the most common causes for dog bites, according to legal data stemming from dog bite lawsuits, includes the following:

  • Dog running at large
  • Dog is off its leash (a violation of California’s leash law)
  • Dog owner failing to control a dangerous canine
  • Someone provoking, teasing, or harming a dog
  • Someone trying to pet a dog unfamiliar to them
  • Someone interfering with a dog that’s nursing
  • Someone taking away the dog’s food
  • Someone interfering with the dog’s ability to eat or drink
  • Someone trespassing on private property

It is wise not to interact with a strange dog unless the owner is present and gives consent. If you feel as if you might be attacked by a dog, try creating distance between yourself and the animal, don’t make any sudden movements or loud noises, and don’t run; stand at a sideways angle, don’t make eye contact, and slightly lower your head to demonstrate that you are yielding while creating a submissive energy which can act as a barrier between you and the dog. This is a method that can work well at de escalating situations, and once the dog loses interest in you and turns away, slowly back up and make your way to safety.

What are the Types of Dog Bite Injuries that Lawyers Take On?

Dog bite lawyers will typically take on any case so long as there is a significant injury. This means a mild scratch or a slight graze would likely not qualify, however, many dog bites are catastrophic, meaning the bite is an injury that will impact the victim for life, and these are the types of dog attacks that a personal injury lawyer would take on. Some examples of catastrophic dog bites and scratches include the following:

  • Damaged muscles and ligaments
  • Eye damage
  • Broken bones
  • Deep lacerations
  • Facial injuries
  • Puncture wounds
  • Degloving
  • Infections or diseases
  • Nerve damage
  • Back and neck damage
  • Permanent scarring and disfigurement
  • Amputation
  • Evisceration
  • Wrongful death
  • PTSD

In some cases, a dog bite lawyer will also help people receive compensation for emotional suffering. For example, people can develop Cynophobia, the extreme fear of dogs. This can be a devastating diagnosis, as this can force people to end their job or career if it involves routine encounters with dogs (security, USPS, home services, etc). Furthermore, some people who have suffered dog attacks develop Cynophobia and devastated their family by getting rid of their own pet dog. Dogs that are well-behaved are cherished family members, and having to find the family dog a new home can forever change the family dynamic. 

Who Actually Pays for the Dog Bite?

One of the main reasons why people are hesitant to file a dog bite suit is because they don’t want to financially destroy the owner of the dog–especially if the dog owner is a family member, friend, or co-worker. However, in most cases the dog owner’s insurance company will pay the claim. In fact, most insurance companies have specialized policies just for dog attacks. Since pets are technically classified as “property,” an individual’s homeowner’s insurance will likely cover a dog bit. If the bite occurs while someone is in a vehicle with the dog, then their auto insurance policy will cover the claim. However, if the pet owner doesn’t have insurance, then he or she will be liable, and regardless of your relationship to the dog owner, you should never have to suffer through life due to anyone’s lack of care.

If I Hire a Dog Bite Lawyer, Will the Dog Be Euthanized?

The second most common reasons why people fail to file lawsuits for dog bites is that they don’t want another person’s beloved pet put down. However, the state of California only requires a dog to be euthanized if it has rabies or if the dog has bitten at least two people, or if the dog has been trained to attack people. Outside of these circumstances, a court hearing is required to have a dog euthanized. That said, if the dog is free from rabies, hasn’t attacked two people prior to your bite, and the dog was not trained to attack people, then you can file your lawsuit while waving your right to have a trial to have the dog euthanized. This is a choice that is entirely yours.

What Should You Do After a Dog Bite?

The first thing you will want to do after a dog bite is get to a safe place, and then call for medical help. If the dog owner is present, ask them to remain while you call 911, and exchange information with them. If there were any witnesses, call them over and collect their information while asking them to recount what they said. If your mobile phone has the ability to record, then record any witness recollections. You should also call animal control in Los Angeles out to the scene. Do not make any admittances or statements to the dog owner, or to any witnesses; just collect as much information as you can from them, and record this or write it down. You should also document any losses that may have taken place, such as property damage outside of your physical injuries.

The most important thing you need to remember is to decline having a conversation with the dog owner’s insurance company. Instead, once you have collected information from the dog owner and witnesses, and you are on your way to the hospital, call your dog bite lawyer right away, and he will give you additional advice and start working for you right away.

How Much Money can a Los Angeles Dog Bite Lawyer Get for Me?

At The Ryan Law Group, we are well aware that money won’t solve everything for those who have suffered from dog bites. However, being able to secure full financial compensation is critical for allowing you to get on with life, and it is absolutely necessary to ensure all of your medical bills are paid for, and to ensure you get the right, and best, medical care. Your financial settlement will also include care for psychological damages, and for any required physical therapy. It will also cover any lost wages from work, as well as costs for reconstructive surgery. In most cases compensation for a dog bite lawsuit will include these areas:

  • Present and future medical bills
  • Property damage repairs
  • Missed wages or earning opportunities
  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Psychological / emotional pain and suffering
  • Permanent scarring and disfigurement
  • Disability
  • Punitive damages
  • Loss of life quality / enjoyment of life
  • Loss of consortium 
  • Death benefits

Your dog bite’s value claim will depend on the circumstances of your unique case. For example, your injury’s severity will impact your entitled compensation. You need to hire a Los Angeles dog bite lawyer who knows how to put a case together to guarantee the full compensation you deserve, while stopping insurance companies from devaluing your claim simply so they can save money.

Why Call the Ryan Law Group for a Dog Bite Lawyer in Los Angeles?

The Ryan Law Group has successfully represented clients throughout Los Angeles and Southern California in all types of personal injury cases, with a specialty in dog bite cases, among others.

  • We are a full-service personal injury law firm that can handle every aspect of your case for your convenience and peace of mind.
  • We have a record of successful results, totaling hundreds of millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements, including one of the largest medical malpractice settlements in Orange County.
  • We retain industry experts to help evaluate your case, giving us an honest, realistic expectation of the maximum possible compensation to pursue.
  • We represent clients on a contingency fee basis. You do not pay any initial costs, and all expenses are advanced to the conclusion of your case. If we don’t win, you don’t pay.

Our client’s needs always come first. Call The Ryan Law Group today for a free consultation and learn the value of your case, and discover the critical next steps you need to take to protect your legal rights. Then leave the rest to us while you recover and focus on healing.