We are thrilled to announce that we’ve just obtained a $1.2 million verdict on behalf of our client to hold a company fully accountable for the mental suffering and emotional distress they caused her in retaliation for her reporting financial Medicare fraud.
This is a huge win for us because we did not seek any loss of earnings or have medical experts testify in our client’s case.
Building our client’s case was not easy. We knew our client had been wronged by her previous employer and was entitled to compensation for her mental suffering, but such a case is still notoriously hard to prove.
But we did not give up. We stood firmly by our client and fought tooth and nail for the money justice she deserves.
We really value the opportunity to get justice for all of our clients. Outcomes like this are why we do what we do.
If you or a loved one has suffered emotional distress from a similar situation, or from retaliation from an employer, call the team at The Ryan Law Group any time, 24/7, at 310-299-9550.