Street racing has become increasingly a problem on the streets of Los Angeles. At the height of pandemic shutdowns in 2020, it became particularly bad, as fewer drivers on the road made more room for street racers. However, although traffic is beginning to return to normal, street racing still remains an issue on California roads. …
5 Tips from the Best Auto Accident Lawyer: What to Do When Another Driver is Having Road Rage
According to car insurance data, California leads the country when it comes to the states with the most car accidents and deaths. In 2019 there were 3,316 auto accidents, and from those came 3,606 deaths. Now consider this: according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Association (NHTSA) 66% of all traffic-related fatalities were caused by …
What If My Car Accident Injuries Don’t Show Up Right Away?
Some car accident injuries are obvious right away. However, it is possible for car accidents to cause injuries with delayed or hidden symptoms that may not be immediately apparent. If you didn’t notice your car accident injuries for a few hours or days after your crash, you may still be entitled to financial compensation. It …
California Car Insurance Requirements
All states require some form of proof of financial responsibility before a driver can operate a motor vehicle on public property. Financial responsibility is an assurance that the driver can pay for the bodily injuries and/or property damage caused by an auto accident. In most states, including California, proof of financial responsibility comes in the …
Tactics Insurance Companies Use to Avoid Paying Claims
You pay every month to maintain car insurance. It may come as a surprise, therefore, when your insurer does everything it can to avoid paying you for a claim. Unfortunately, insurance companies protect their profitability by minimizing how much they pay claimants. You may encounter one or more of the following tactics from an insurance …
Calculating Pain & Suffering in Car Accident Cases
If you get injured in a car accident in California, the law may entitle you to financial compensation for various losses. This can include an award for your noneconomic losses, such as pain and suffering. Pain and suffering is a complicated aspect of car accident law. You may need assistance from a Los Angeles car …
The 10 Deadliest Days of the Year to Be On the Road
You’ve heard different holidays are supposed to be the deadliest to drive during. Well, we crunched the data and present you with the real 10 most dangerous days to be on the road in the US.
5 Ways to Stay Safe Driving This Holiday Season
When you find yourself on the road during the holiday season you can’t control the other drivers, but you can follow these easy tips to keep yourself safe from harm.
Car Accidents Over Labor Day Weekend
Many car accidents occur during holidays, specifically over the Labor Day weekend. USA Today and the National Safety Council dubbed Labor Day the deadliest holiday of the year. The reason that accidents happen so frequently is that drivers don’t consider other people.
Legal Options of a Passenger Injured in a Car Accident
Were you a passenger injured in a car accident? This can be a confusing experience especially if you do not know where to start. The situation is further complicated if the drivers involved cannot agree who is at fault.